Teach a Language


Teaching for Bridge House Languages

Our aims

Our tutors

Settings for teaching

Providing materials

Bridge House materials

How we put tutors and clients in touch


Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions


Contact Us

Register as a tutor

Take the Training for Tutors

Download our brochure

Teaching for Bridge House Languages

Thank you for showing an interest in Bridge House Languages. We hope these notes will be useful to you and that you will decide to join us.

Our aims

We aim to provide tailor-made courses for our clients. That does not mean that you may not use a set course for your student(s). In fact, we recommend that you do. You would otherwise spend a long time preparing materials. We do ask you to spend much of your first session finding out exactly what your client wants to do, what they want to achieve by when, how often they want to meet, what they will be able to do between lessons, and what level of competence they already have, if any. You then choose the most appropriate course. Most of the time you will be working individually with clients, so it is easy to customize whichever course you choose.

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Our tutors

To be one of our tutors you must be a qualified teachers of languages, who is able to give us the names of two referees. One referee should be able to tell us about your competence as a teacher or as a speaker of a foreign language, or both; the other should be able to tell us about your ability to work, or your good character, or both.

Our tutors are enthusiastic about the languages they teach, about the countries where that language is spoken, and about people in general. They have plenty of stamina, they are reliable, and they have a sense of humour. They are able to adapt quickly to the needs of their clients.

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Settings for teaching

We teach one-to-one, in small groups up to twenty, in the client’s home, at their place of work, in our own homes, on the telephone, via the Internet on-line, or via the Internet off-line.

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Providing materials

As we stated above, we do not expect you to write your own lessons for your clients, though obviously you may do that if you prefer. We expect you to select the most appropriate materials for your client. We would expect you to provide your own teacher’s book and copy of the student book, but if tapes, CDs or photocopiables were needed, Bridge House may be able to purchase them on your behalf, and keep them as a resource for other tutors. You would then be provided, free of charge, with a copy. We keep an extensive range of catalogues.

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Bridge House materials

We also offer our clients self-study materials which we write ourselves. Clients are able to purchase these via the Internet, in whole or in part, against a credit card payment. If you join in writing these materials, you will receive a royalty of 40% of the cost to the client. For example, if we charge the client £2.50 for a copy of our “How to cope with A-level” guide, 10,000 words long, and you wrote a contribution of 1,000 words, you would receive 10p for one purchase. Any materials which are written, we also try to place with major publishing houses, acting as your agent and taking 10% of your royalty. You may also find a “gap in the market” and have to write a tailor-made material for your client. You may also advertise this on our web-site, also receiving 40% of cost to client, and again we would also try to sell this to major publishing houses.

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How we put tutors and clients in touch

When we have a request from a private client, we send them a list of all the available tutors. This will include details of which languages at which levels you can teach, and which settings you feel able to teach in. The only ersonal details we supply to clients are your name, your email address and the first part of your postcode. Then it is up to you and the client to come to whichever arrangements suits you both.

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We inform clients of charges when we pass them names of tutors.

Recommended fees are

Private customers up to GCSE

£20.00 per hour

Private customers A-level +

£25.00 per hour

Business customers

£25.00 per hour

In addition, you may wish to charge travelling expenses to your clients. We recommend £2.50 for travel within the same first part of your post code, £5.00 for further afield.

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Terms and conditions

1. Responibilities

Parents are advised by Bridge House languages that tutors do not assume responsibility for house and contents, and that in the case of minors, a parent or a responsible adult should be on the premises at all times.

2. Payment

Payment is made by the client directly to you.

3. Contractual relationship

Bridge House Languages acts as an agent providing introductions for students to tutors and vice versa.

4. Emplyment status

Tutors are self-employed under contracts for services to provide independent tuition for students.

5. Taxation and National Insurance

As self employed persons, tutors are responsible for conducting their own affairs with H.M Customs and Excise, HM Inspector of Taxes, and the Department of Social Security concerning any tax and N.I. that might be incurred.

6. School Teachers

School teachers are advised that it is considered unethical that they tutor pupils from the school(s) at which they teach.

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Contact Us

You can register to be one of our tutors for a fee of £5.00, or you can take the Bridge House Languages “Training for Tutors” for £45.00 (which includes the £5.00 registration fee).

Register as a tutor

If you would like to register as one of our tutors:

fill in this online form and pay the £5.00 fee

using the secure “PayPal” service. (Please have your credit card details handy.)

or print the form, fill it in and mail it to us with your cheque for £5.00

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Take the Training for Tutors

Details of the Bridge House training .

If you would like to take the training for Tutors:

Fill in this online form and pay the £45.00 fee

using the secure “PayPal” service. (Please have your credit card details handy.)

or print the form, fill it in and mail it to us with your cheque for £45.00

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Download our brochure

Click here:  to download our complete brochure:
(Requires Microsoft Word 2000 or later.)

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Page last updated 12 November 2019